Friday, December 27, 2019

Essay Can Science and Religion Co-exist - 1761 Words

Science and theology have diverged lines amongst several of the world’s phenomenon with the two greatest differences being human and world development. Although there are differences in the beliefs of these two groups, they are ultimately attempting to solve the same puzzles that consume the minds of members of both disciplines. In the end one might say, both disciplines are working to solve two different puzzles that may be really different, but ultimately are aspects of the same puzzle. Both the method and the aims of science and religion seem to be different. Science is considered to be more linked to the material aspect of all things, where religion is concerned with the spiritual. These are just two of the differences to be discussed†¦show more content†¦Religions are based on what myths the members believe to be true. Some examples of these sacred collections are the Bible and Koran. Christians following the Bible are told, through scripture, that the earth was created by God in six days. The Bible describes how God also created Adam and Eve who were the beginning of humankind. Being as these creations of God are believed to have occurred over 6,000 years ago and no harden proof of the creation is available, religious followers utilize the stories of the creations described in scripture as the basis for their beliefs. The estimate of the creation occurring over 6,000 years ago is determined by theologians using mathematical equations based on statements found in the bible (Deem, 2006). This brief description of God’s creation is the Christian belief of beginning of the world and mankind which is based upon spiritual concerns which strongly differs from that of the scientific belief. Scientists use the scientific method of research to develop theories. 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